会合案内Meeting information

2022年6月7日(火)国際部会『Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court』

日時:2022年6月7日 (金) 19:00~21:00 ※通常より開催時間が遅いのでご注意ください


テーマ:Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court

講師:Dr. Christoph Eisenmann (European and German Patent Attorney, Partner of Vossius & Partner)

通訳:小林 由佳 先生(日本国弁理士、野田・杉本特許事務所)

 The presentation will provide an overview of the new European Patent System which will be implemented by the end of this year, most likely. The presentation will focus on the new litigation procedure of the Unified Patent Court, on the new European Patent with unitary effect (“Unitary Patent”) and the transition regime (“sunrise period” and “opt out”). There will also be room for questions or a debate of possible strategies to deal with the new system.

(北原 悠樹 記)